What is Activated Carbon Filter?
In the water pretreatment system, the activated carbon filter can adsorb the residual chlorine that cannot be removed in the pre-stage filtration to prevent the latter reverse osmosis membrane from being degraded by its oxidation, and also adsorb the pollutants such as small-molecule organic matter leaking from the pre-stage, which has a more obvious adsorption and removal effect on odor, colloid and pigment, heavy metal ions, etc., and also has the effect of reducing COD. It can further reduce the SDI value of RO feed water to ensure SDI<5 and TOC<2.Oppm.

Technical parameters
- Filtration speed: 8~30m/h
- Backwashing time: 8-10
- Working pressure: <0.6Mpa
- Water head loss of filter material during flushing: 0.8
- Design temperature: 5-4000℃
- Single-layer sand filtration height: 700mm (for circulating water sand filtration height 500mm)
- Backwashing intensity: 13~15L/sm2
- Double layer filter height: sand filter height 500mm, anthracite filter height 500mm
- Backwash swelling degree: 40~50%
- Activated carbon / cationic resin filter media height: 2000mm
- Boiler and domestic water treatment
- Iron and manganese removal from groundwater
- Purification treatment of swimming pool/landscape water
- Pre-treatment of desalination, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis
- Various industrial wastewater and water reuse treatment
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